I sure enjoy early Polvo. Cor-crane Secret, their otherworldly 1992 album on Merge Records, was my introduction to the band, and it is still my favourite. Their first release, Can I Ride, a double 7" released on Kitchen Puff Records in 1991 was reissued on CD in 1995 by Jesus Christ; it's great too. I used to have both CDs and stupidly I traded them away. I've been able to re-acquire Cor-crane via eMusic, but I'm still scraping by somehow without a copy of Can I Ride. If anyone out there wants to make my tomorrow, please post a link to this album in a comment. My gift to y'all is the complete set of Polvo vinyl-only releases, according to the nice concise Polvo discography found here. Known for playing cheap-ass guitars set to unusual tunings, Polvo have a unique sound that won't appeal to many, but will rock the minority's socks off. Those lucky soles should prepare for bare feet.
Drill 7" released on Rockville/Jettison/Kitchen Puff in 1991.

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El Cid split 7" with Erectus Monotone released on Merge Records in 1992.

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Tilebreaker 7" released on Merge Records in 1993.

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Polvo's contribution to Why Do You Think They Call It Pop double 10" released on Pop Narcotic in 1993.

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...And Then I'm Gone split 7" with New Radiant Storm King released on Penny Farthing Records in 1994.

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Friend, why not download all 10 songs in a zShare archive just over here. As a bonus, you'll get the Erectus Monotone and New Radiant Storm King songs too. My meagre bandwidth and I thank you.