This month I added my 30,000th song to iTunes...and I only keep songs I've rated at least 3 stars out of 5. Though I've only shared a subset of my discography with you, I've finally shared all the stuff I really wanted you to hear: Stuff I own "hard copies" of from the 90s that you may not have heard before or found elsewhere. YSKOD has been going steady since December 2006, except for a lull from May to July 2007 when I smashed the shit out of my elbow (my left arm is now permanently bent like a tone arm), but this marks my 236th and final post. Thanks to all the bands for making the music I've posted here, thanks to the labels for being smart or stupid enough to release it, thanks to my wife for allowing me to fritter away Saturday afternoons posting it, and thanks to everyone out there who stopped by. Bye.