This month I added my 30,000th song to iTunes...and I only keep songs I've rated at least 3 stars out of 5. Though I've only shared a subset of my discography with you, I've finally shared all the stuff I really wanted you to hear: Stuff I own "hard copies" of from the 90s that you may not have heard before or found elsewhere. YSKOD has been going steady since December 2006, except for a lull from May to July 2007 when I smashed the shit out of my elbow (my left arm is now permanently bent like a tone arm), but this marks my 236th and final post. Thanks to all the bands for making the music I've posted here, thanks to the labels for being smart or stupid enough to release it, thanks to my wife for allowing me to fritter away Saturday afternoons posting it, and thanks to everyone out there who stopped by. Bye.
thanks. goodbye.
sorry to see you go. loved the blog, man.
Just when I began to discover this blog ! It's too sad...
Thanks a lot to put the light on some beautiful loosers !
You welcome to visit mine, about shoegaze band, like Fudge, Ultra Cindy, Slumberland Records. Here : http://shoegazeworld.blogspot.com
thank you, sir! you will be missed.
Thanks for everything. Sad to see you go. Rediscovered some great music from my past and discovered some new stuff as well.
Thank you!! So long!!
You're gonna come back someday when you increase your record collections, right?
You introduced me to Slumberland Records!! I love that sound and a lot of your posts filled in a gap I had been looking to cover for a long time without knowing where to look. But you made it really easy to find because many of your posts were spot on to my tastes. Bye live long and prosper!
Sorry to see you go but thanks for some great music.
Awwww! Thanks for everything!
actually, I think I want to say more! I found this blog one night searching for info about White Come Come (ha!) - a band I heard on John Peel (RIP) about 15 years ago. I was amazed at all the amazing things I found here, all the bands to discover and re-discover. So much good stuff from what is, for me, a perfect time in history for music, life, love... One of the few "blogs" I regularly checked out, but sadly never left any comments to tell you what a good job you were doing. Oh well, better late than fuck it...
sad day indeed.
all good things must come to an end....
here's hoping for a comeback....
shame you stop your blog, i just discovered it! 1000 thanks for your enthousiasm for sharing indie rare and great music .Veronica lake : such an awesome band, did'nt know them before .could i get some links for more informations about them and also for purchasing their records ?
sorry for my awfull english, i'm french ...:o),Ww
Great blog, loved reading it and checking it out regularly over the past year or so since I first found it. Thanks.
I got stuff here that I never ever thought I'd find and was turned on to some new stuff as well. Thanks for your hard work! You actually inspired me to start my own music blog, we had similar tastes so maybe I'll have some stuff you were looking for...should be up by next weekend...it's gonna be called "future nostalgists" send you the address when I'm up and running.
Like I said at the Eric's Trip show (what are the chances?), thanks for sharing this stuff!
It'll be a shame to see you go, thanks for all the great music, you reminded me of a *lot* I'd have forgotten!
Thanks for everything, your effort is appreciated!
enjoyed it; sorry to see you're stoppin...
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You don't know how much I enjoyed your blog over the years. I'll miss it, for sure.
Thanks for everything!!
Thanks for all the great memories!
thanks, a lot of amazing discoveries since I made the amazing discovery of your blog!
much thanks mister..!
you will be really missed!
cheers from North Lima, Perú
Thanks for digitalizing half of my record collection :) Now I'll have to digitalize the other half myself. I'll be posting them here: http://www.pyrolysebred.blogspot.com/ There's already a live JAMC 7" and an Inrain 7" up for those interested. Next installments: Tar, Edsel Auctioneer, Tattle Tale ...
Thanks for all the music. This site was fantastic.
Ah! This is terrific. Stumbled on to it looking for Dime Map of the Reef after seeing the Silver Jews play last night. So much good stuff. Thanks.
This is an amazing blog. I'm bummed as hell that it's gone before I discovered it. Any chance anyone else out there has the entire "Polite Cream Tea Corps" 7" c/o Ptolemaic Terrascope and would be willing to share it? That would be an ultimate find.
Just discovered the blog.. sorry to see you're no longer doing it. Any chance of reposting some of the tracks you've taken down? I came across this site looking for info on Crayon, and sadly those tracks are missing.
Damn, wanted so badly to download all your BJM!!! Sucks that I had to discover this site so late, as I'm somewhat of a completist. Would begging and crying get you to re-up/email any of the stuff you posted? I am missing most of those singles, and your zShare downloads...won't download. I've disabled pop-up blocker, adblock, tried IE, etc...
Hit me at Remicks@-delete-this-part-.gmail.com
Hello-I just wanted to thank you (a little late!) for this blog. I was looking for some Jessamine that I'd accidentally deleted off of my computer, and the disc is long gone, and I found your site. It's been amazing to see so many 45s, LPs, and discs I used to have and love. I'd forgotten so many! Although I can't get anything to download (boo!), I'm giddy just to read, enjoy the pictures, and be reminded of it all. Thanks again!
Thanks for everything, especially Daniel Gugins. Sure hope you'll one day find a reason and the time to come back to the world of music blogging. You're missed.
Wow. I think we have all the same records.
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